Notes on Adverse Conditions are now included in the Safety & Race Instructions.

The Committee fully realises the huge disruption that can be caused by cancellation, and/or misleading or late information through the different social media.

  1. The Race is ON, unless a time-stamped message is put out on Twitter, e-mail and the main page of the website stating that it is OFF. Once it has been declared OFF, it will not be reinstated. It is the intention that all 3 media will be updated at the same time, but for operational reasons it may take up to 30-45 minutes.
  2. The two key risks for the event are high wind speeds and high fluvial flow rates (the flow of water from upriver). There is a scheduled review meeting at 12:00 GMT on Thursday 19th March 2020. The Committee will in general be reviewing the fluvial flow pattern and weather forecasts, from the 16th up to and during the Race.
  3. If there are high fluvial flows it may be necessary to alter the marshalling arrangements or reduce the number of competitors for safety reasons.
  4. If there are high wind speeds forecast it may be necessary to reduce the numbers of competitors to avoid exposed banks and consider shortening the course.
  5. On race day there will be a course inspection shortly after high water, at which a decision may be made to cancel the race, delay the start, or possibly shorten the course. Any cancellation, delay or curtailment announcement will be made as soon as possible after high water and will be broadcast to crews by race officials and host clubs, and subsequently via Twitter.
  6. You are therefore recommended to monitor social media and HORR website from 16th March onwards.
  7. It is in your own interests to ensure that you follow the HORR Twitter account, and that the three e-mail addresses you have given via BROE are all correct, up-to-date and different.