The Head of the River Race committee fully support the Port of London Authority Cleaner Thames campaign and support the ZSL #oneless plastic bottle campaign.
We implore all our competitors not to add to the number of single use plastic water bottles littering the foreshore.
Once in the Thames plastic bottles will inevitably end up in the sea with the resulting damage to the eco system as they break down over 450 years. Competitors can support the Cleaner Thames and ZSL #oneless campaigns by avoiding single use plastic water bottles, but if necessary taking these bottles away for further use and then recycling them in appropriate facilities at the end of their useful life.
The photo below shows waste water/drinks bottles collected from the Putney foreshore following the 2016 Head of the River Race.
To learn more about the PLA Cleaner Thames campaign, please visit the PLA website and have a look at their campaign video.
To learn more about ZSL #oneless campaign, please visit their website and follow #oneless on social media.